Privacy Policy

Version 1
This page has been last edited on 08-06-2016.

Dutch Design Cufflinks respects the privacy of all users of its website and ensures that all personal information will be dealt with in a strict confidential manner.

We are aware that you put your trust in us. We see it as our responsibility to protect your privacy whenever possible. In this document we inform you about the information we collect when visiting our website, why we collect this data and how we improve your user experience with this data.

This privacy policy applies to the services of Dutch Design Cufflinks. Be aware that Dutch Design Cufflinks is not responsible for the privacy policies of other websites and sources. When using our website you acknowledge that you accept our privacy policy.

We will not collect or use information for other purposes than stated in this privacy policy, unless we have asked for and received your permission to do otherwise.

How we use collected data

Our services
When signing up for one of our services or when ordering a product we will ask for personal information. This information will be used to provide or complete the service or order. The data will be stored on our own secured servers or on secured servers of a third party company. We will not combine this information with other personal information that we have stored, or use it for any other purpose other than to provide the requested service or complete your order successfully.

When sending us e-mails or other messages we may save these messages. Sometimes we will ask for extra personal information when this is relevant to the communication. This makes it possible for us to answer your questions and reply to your requests. The data will be stored on our own secured servers or on secured servers of a third party company. We will not combine this information with other personal information that we have stored, or use it for any other purpose, other than to assure the most successful communication possible with you.

This websites uses cookies. A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser when the user is browsing the website. Every time the user loads the website, the browser sends the cookie back to the server to notify the website of the user’s previous activity and preferences. This information gathered by the cookie will also be stored on the secured server of Dutch Design Cufflinks or on the secured server of a third party. We use this information to get a better understanding of our customers and their needs and desires, making it possible to improve our services and products. In addition, we use it to see how you use the website  in order to offer you a better experience when using our website, which may include offering other services and products related to your past activity on our website.

You always have the option of denying us the use of cookies by making the appropriate setting in your chosen web browser. Refer to your web browser providers instructions on how to do this.

Third parties
Information will not be shared with third parties except for web applications or services specifically used to run our webshop. The information will only be used for the purpose of the specific web application or service and will not be shared any further. In some rare cases we will share the information internally. Our employees are obliged to respect your personal information.

This privacy policy applies to the current state of our website. Possible adjustments and changes to the website can result in changes in our privacy policy. We therefore advice you to occasionally re-read our privacy policy.

Personal information options
We offer all our visitors the possibility to see, change or delete all personal information we currently have to our disposal.

Change/unsubscribe communication
If you want to change your personal data or want to be removed from our database please feel free to contact us. See contact information below.

Unsubscribe newsletter
At the bottom of any newsletter we may provide we will present the opportunity to unsubscribe from our mailing list.

Turn off cookies
Most browsers are set up to accept cookies but you can set up your browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when a cookie is being sent to you. It is however possible that some services and functions on our website and on other websites do not function properly when you have switched off cookies in your browser.

Questions and feedback
You can contact us with any questions regarding this privacy policy at:
Dutch Design Cufflinks
Klein Duimpje 13
5629 LD Eindhoven
+31 6 17 90 15 40